Northwest Passage Gallery Renovations Underway

Northwest Passage Gallery Line-01
Northwest Passage Gallery Outside

If you’ve traveled through Webster recently, you may have noticed some changes happening at Northwest Passage’s InANewLight Gallery, just South of town on Highway 35 and North Bass Lake Road. Construction is well underway to create the Northwest Passage Gallery, an innovative multi-use community center.

Northwest Passage is dedicated to restoring hope through innovative mental health services for children and families. With over 40 years of rich history, Northwest Passage has become a national leader in residential mental health assessment and treatment for youth ages 6-17 experiencing severe and complex emotional and behavioral disruptions. Northwest Passage’s success is due in large part to its high-impact experiential programming. They have implemented a powerful therapeutic arts program, InANewLight, emphasizing skilled expressive arts training and nature immersion, ultimately empowering their residents to redefine themselves by their strengths and talents.

When Northwest Passage’s kids are empowered to discover their passions and connect to others, they achieve more than healing, they thrive. Likewise, in order for a community to thrive, its citizens must have places to explore their passions and connect to others. Fueled by this vision for a deeply connected, vibrant, thriving community, plans evolved for a major expansion of the InANewLight Gallery. Developed in partnership with the Burnett Area Arts Group (BAAG), the Northwest Passage Gallery will feature additional gallery space to display residents’ photography as well as the work of other artists. Multiple studios will provide local artists with space to work and teach. Assembly and classroom spaces will allow for exhibitions, meetings, workshops, conferences, and other community events.

Gallery Construction 3
Gallery Construction 2
Gallery Construction 1

Construction is scheduled for completion in March, with a grand opening event being planned for early spring. The Northwest Passage Gallery will help build a more connected and thriving community, where every citizen can re-define themselves by their passions and strengths, just as Northwest Passage’s youth have done for over 40 years.

This project is being funded solely through grants and private donations. Northwest Passage acknowledges and thanks the Otto Bremer Trust, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Community Development Investment Grant, 100 Women Who Care – Polk/Burnett, the Webb Lake Community Club, and many private donors for their support!